Learning your ABCDs

Richard Branson has a mantra: Always Be Connecting Dots (ABCDs). The pace of change around us continues to accelerate. More to keep up with. More to understand. More to consider and evaluate. With constant new insights for our mind to take in, one skillset that continues to be amplified is the ability to connect the…

April Fools Highlight Reel

Any guesses how many hours of film it took to create Avengers: End Game and Avengers: Infinity Wars? 900 hours of footage to create these two legendary films. An incredible amount of time to be able to create just a few hours of cinematic greatness we get to witness on the movie screen. What we…

Pause & Recalibrate

Take a look at your list of what needs accomplished for the week. I’m going to take a wild guess and say it’s a lot. So, what do we typically do? We charge forward, work hard, steamroll through as much as we can, and may or may not get all the to-do list crossed off.…

Playing on the balls of your feet vs. your heels

Last second iconic shots to win the national championship like UNC’s Michael Jordan in 1982, Villanova’s Ryan Arcidiacono in 2016, and potentially the most iconic of all, Duke’s Christian Laettner in 1992. Underdogs shining against the big schools such as Gonzaga starting their big run in 1999, Steph Curry and Davidson making a statement to…

Seek to Understand 1st Mentality

Think about all the different experiences each of us have had. Relationships, career, how we were raised, where we’ve lived, education, and the list goes on. It’s no wonder we don’t see situations the same or experience circumstances the same way. These different perspectives can create a wide variety of reactions – two most commonly…

When “just keep trying” isn’t enough

One of our favorite family games this winter has become setting up my son’s Nintendo Switch to our TV and playing Super Mario Kart. One day, my son and I were playing Mario Kart while my daughter was playing with toys nearby. Typical outcome with my son beating me, as I sulk in my disappointment…

Personal Board of Directors

What first comes to mind when you hear the term, board of directors? When we hear the term board of directors, some of us may picture extremely successful business leaders for big organizations or even local nonprofits we may be involved in our community. This board is intended to represent a diverse group collectively helping…

We are the Change

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” —Barack Obama It’s someone else’s problem. Politics control too much. There’s too many hurdles and red tape to make an actual impact. Excuses for progress will…

Challenging the Best

Picture yourself on a track. 100 meters from where you stand to your destination. Look to your left. Look to your right. If your goal is to run those next 100 meters the fastest you possibly can, who would you want to race against? Do you think you’re running your fastest race with a group…

2 mindsets – 2 outcomes

“Perspective drives performance.” – Inky Johnson Growth takes facing the uncomfortable. Growth takes sacrificing the easy for the hard. Growth takes perspective of understanding why this challenge up ahead is worth the time, energy, and in some cases, the pain. All of us have the ability to grow, but with the opportunity comes the choice…