Good to see you 2024

My Dad loved cooking big breakfasts. Whether it’s memories as a kid having sleepovers and waking up to a pile of pancakes and bacon for my buddies and me to devour or fast forwarding to recent years of holidays spent at my parents’ place with my kids getting to enjoy the tradition, big breakfasts were…

Just want to say THANK YOU!

“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.” – Chinese proverb Dreams are meant to be chased. Too often we see those dreams as something too far off in the distance. It can be scary at times, even deflating. All the work, time, sacrifice striving for the person you want to…

Some things will never change

We are constantly faced with new information and change at a pace we have never seen before. Yet, as we continue down this path of rapid transformation, I realize so much remains the same. I’m one that loves quotes and appreciate how a simple sentence or two can represent an important life lesson. As we…

Where learning moments come from

The morning started off with a car ride to school with the typical background noise of kids bickering and songs playing. In a rare moment of silence, I took a deep breath thinking about the busy schedule at work ahead. Then came one of the best comments I’ve ever heard… “I got revenge on life.”…

Which arena would you pick?

Each situation of struggle presents you with 2 tickets to 2 different arenas. The first arena is packed. It’s the closest and easiest to get to. Access to this arena will allow you to see the best of the best the blame game has to offer. This arena showcases all the excuses we feel we…

The Natural

Do you ever notice some around you have a natural ability to pick up something with ease? At work there may be someone that can get up in front of the audience and wow the crowd with little effort at all. In the holiday musical there may be a voice that can hit an incredible…

Recipe for Success

Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks for the blessings we have but let’s also sprinkle some honesty, it’s also about the food. One thing I always look forward to around Thanksgiving time is when the recipe cards start coming out. I know the smells of the irresistible temptations will start circulating the air and soon,…

Hit the Reset Button

We’re a little over a month into our 2nd grade basketball season and it’s been a blast. With 2nd graders, there’s plenty to learn about the game of basketball but there’s also a nonstop fury of energy when you get 10 boys together. The combination of lots to learn with lots of energy creates some chaotic moments…

Know Your “WHO”

To understand and appreciate the peaks, we must also go through and feel the pain of the valley. None of us are exempt from the pain we feel when we encounter a valley in life. Even optimists like me struggle at times to see the benefit of going through a struggle. And while I am…