Which arena would you pick?

Each situation of struggle presents you with 2 tickets to 2 different arenas. The first arena is packed. It’s the closest and easiest to get to. Access to this arena will allow you to see the best of the best the blame game has to offer. This arena showcases all the excuses we feel we can leverage for why the situation ended up the way it did.  

I didn’t have enough support.

The economy was rough this year.

I didn’t get a fair break.

My boss is out to get me.

This arena welcomes all of those that allow their minds to sidestep accountability and go right to playing the blame game. This arena will be sold out for days to come.

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Photo by Patrick on Pexels.com

The other arena has plenty of capacity. This arena is a lot less crowded because it’s a rougher path and takes more time to get there. The game being played in this arena is the accountability game. Same situation faced but this arena showcases some hard truths. Moments of growth and lessons learned are the superstars showcased in this arena.

I see opportunities to prepare more effectively next time.

I understand connecting more with my team throughout the project can help next time.

I realize my standard of work wasn’t as high as it needs to be and must be raised for next time.

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

This arena has so much more capacity because acknowledging our growth opportunities and lessons learned is challenging. It requires vulnerability and a learner mindset that every situation creates an opportunity for growth.

2 tickets, 2 arenas, 1 choice. Which game will you pick – accountability game or the blame game?

Take your step: take the next situation you face where the outcome may not be as optimal as you wanted. Take a moment and decide which game will be played – accountability game or blame game. Challenge yourself to see the opportunity in the difficulty and embrace seeing the superstars of growth and lessons learned. Today it may be tough, but future you will certainly appreciate the courage playing the accountability game.