When “just keep trying” isn’t enough

One of our favorite family games this winter has become setting up my son’s Nintendo Switch to our TV and playing Super Mario Kart. One day, my son and I were playing Mario Kart while my daughter was playing with toys nearby. Typical outcome with my son beating me, as I sulk in my disappointment my daughter looks over at me and says, “just keep trying Daddy”. Now that’s my positive mindset 5-yearold! I loved it. Unfortunately, when I kept trying, the results of my son’s domination continued.

“Just keep trying” is a fantastic mentality to have, but to change outcomes this mentality must be coupled with something additional – reflection. In our fast-paced world we’re constantly running at high speeds to reach accomplishments we’re in search of. Work projects, getting kids to activities on time, making dinner, volunteering in the community, and the list continues. When we’re in constant run fast mentality, we lock ourselves into running to what’s next without learning from what just happened. There becomes missed opportunities for learning and growth when we don’t take the time to hit pause on our fast pace life to reflect on what has happened to learn for what could happen in the future.

Reflection creates space to zoom out from our hectic lives and gain perspective. Perspective on where our time is being invested. Perspective on how we’ve handled situations vs. how we want to handle them in the future. Perspective on who we’re choosing to spend time with. Reflection gives us the time we need to understand our experiences in the past to then work towards what we want our experiences to be in the future.

Take your step: this week, find 5 minutes each night to create space and time for your mind to reflect on what transpired throughout the day. Take account of what stands out – work, family, health and fitness, etc. As more reflection takes place, more opportunity presents itself to identify how we can learn from what’s taken place to then adjust and leverage these learnings for the future.