To get energy, you have to give energy

Middle of the afternoon hits, morning coffee has worn off, meetings have been back-to-back, and you can see the energy fuel gauge falling to empty. Let’s face it, there’s a lot to keep up with and that energy fuel gauge continually drops as we get pulled in every direction.

As we look at what we need to accomplish for the rest of the day, there’s no time for the energy tank to empty. So where do we find our energy refuel station?

  • Move your body – yes, even though it may seem backwards that to get energy you need to move your body, it’s true that exercise can generate more energy. Check out Harvard Medical’s perspective if interested in the why:
  • Connect with someone that will stimulate your mind – sometimes the mind can go into autopilot. It needs a jumpstart to get back to growing and challenging itself.
  • Meditate – separate yourself from all the craziness to recenter. 5 minutes away from the fast-paced day can help the body get back on track.
  • Listen to music, podcast, etc. – help reset your mind by putting energy towards incorporating a little more entertainment and enjoyment into the day.
  • Change your environment – find another location to change your view and surroundings. Even better, if you’re able to get outside, studies show being out in Mother Nature can provide a boost.
  • Food matters – while the sugar and pasta may look good over lunch, it can be a key factor draining the fuel tank. Keep an eye on eating good protein along with fruits and vegetables. Investing energy finding the right lunch/snack options fuels the tank in a more sustainable way.

Drop below in the comments some approaches you would add to this list to refuel the energy during the day. Also consider checking out the importance for taking the time to reenergize for a great finish to the day: Sharpen your axe – Be An Accelerator.

Take your step: It’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when the energy drain starts to set in through the day. To get the energy fuel gauge back up during the day, you must give energy. Give energy by doing an activity that will stimulate your body and/or your mind. Try some of the ideas presented or other ideas you have come up with to create a toolkit to pull from when that energy fuel gauge hits empty.


  1. Katie Drosieko

    Great ideas, Tyler!
    Similar yet different to your point about connecting with others, I’ll suggest “Pay it forward”. As I’ve moved ahead in my career, it really charges my battery when I get opportunities to pay it forward to the next gen with mentorship, advice or simple networking. We can each also be the person that stimulates the mind of others and that feels pretty great. Plus I’ve never had a mentee that I didn’t also learn a lot from.

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