Time under tension

One of the great benefits of working at Principal Financial Group is their workout facility. The workout facility has just about every option of exercise you can think of, including the opportunity to take bootcamp classes. For those unfamiliar with bootcamp classes, while each class is different, it typically is structured in the form of high intensity interval training. High reps, high intensity, constant movement, and at Principal, trainers ready to push and challenge each class member.

Many of us joke it’s a love/hate relationship. In the middle of the workout where the question pops up, am I going to make it to the end, the hate typically sets in. Afterwards, when there is a sincere feeling of accomplishment and understanding the fitness and mental growth that has just taken place, there’s a good feeling of love towards the challenge bootcamp class presents.

barbell on the floor
Photo by Leon Ardho on Pexels.com

After years of taking these classes, one critical element of success in these classes is what I call time under tension. If you were to look at the movements and exercises individually, each appear doable. When the movements and exercises are all combined and little rest is provided, this time under tension starts to tear down the muscles and that doable soon becomes difficult.

Time under tension explores the tipping point of where your mind starts thinking your body can’t handle it. Time under tension explores challenges that may be foreign to your body and/or mind. It’s confronting uncomfortable and difficult and choosing to remain under tension to continue testing what you’re capable of. Sometimes the time under tension breaks the mind and the body gives in. For those willing to continue to embrace time under tension and move from what’s doable to the edge of what’s difficult, opportunities for growth become abundant. 

person in black shoes sitting beside barbell
Photo by Victor Freitas on Pexels.com

Whether it’s working out, a project at work that stretches you, jumping into a community problem to help solve, or showing up for those in a time of real struggle – time under tension will be challenging all the way through but will give you the benefit of so much more opportunity for growth than just settling for the doable version. 

I’m reminded of a Les Brown quote, “everything we do is practice for something greater than where we currently are. Practices only makes for improvement”. If we’re on a journey for something greater than who we are today, time under tension is a great way to accelerate improvement and growth. Embrace the purpose of time under tension to welcome in opportunities for your continued growth.

Take your step: in areas of life you’re working to evolve and improve, take a moment to reflect on how much time under tension you expose yourself to. Are there more opportunities to endure more time under tension to open the door for more growth? Challenge yourself to start with one area of your life you’re looking to improve and identify where you can incorporate more time under tension to see how growth can accelerate.