The Survivor Tree

About a decade ago my wife and I took our first trip to New York City together. One part of the trip that has always been memorable to me is the Survivor Tree at the 9/11 Memorial. If you’re not familiar with this tree, it was discovered in the mix of all the devastation of the 9/11 attack still somehow showing signs of life. The tree was transplanted and tended to until 2010, when it became part of the 9/11 memorial to symbolize resiliency.

Recently my wife and I revisited the memorial, this time with our kids. The tree I recall seeing 10 years ago was now full of so much strength, beauty, and fullness. It not only today represents what resiliency looks like, it now has taken on an entirely new level and displays what flourishing can look like.

Admittedly, this whole experience rethinking what all happened over two decades ago to these families, communities, and an entire nation forever changed, hit me. While standing and watching the beauty of one of the fountains we tried to explain to our kids what happened on this tragic day, why there were all these names on the memorial, and the true heroism of those that went in risking their own lives to save others. It’s still a lot for us adults to take in and understand, let alone a child, but this Survivor Tree brought an entirely different lens to look through.

The Survivor Tree reframed my mind from one of loss to one of strength. The tree is a representation of resiliency from one of the most devastating times our country has ever seen and can also remind us on a smaller scale, resiliency can lead to a new day. A new day filled with optimism, beauty, and opportunity. The evolution this tree has gone through in over two decades is incredible. While some may simply see a tree, I choose to see through darkness we can find our strength to lead to a future of flourishing beyond what we think we’re capable of.

There are representations all around us of striving for a better tomorrow. The Survivor Tree is so much more than a tree. A cross can mean so much more than a cross. A family picture can mean so much more than a family picture. These visuals and others can be great reminders of what we can become and how we can positively impact others. The Survivor Tree to me provides a representation of acknowledging and remembering 9/11, but more importantly, resiliency through the unthinkable. No matter how dark the day is, the sun will rise, but only if we can endure the dark.

Take your step: reflect on what symbols have stood out in your life as a representation of something greater. Think about how to come across this symbol more often as a great visual reminder of how we can strive for a better tomorrow. It may be something on a spiritual level, a picture of someone you truly admire, a symbol from a time in your life you had to persevere. Whatever the visual is, let its meaning and personal impact provide a more consistent reminder of striving for your better tomorrow.