The “S” word

Don’t say the “S” word. What S word you may ask? If it’s my 9-year-old, the horrific S word he never wants me to say is shower. Is it crazy for me to think he would stop playing nerf basketball for a few minutes and clean up? Although, in a couple years, I have a feeling that S word may change to a common 4 letter mishap many of us tend to say.

But the S word I’m referencing is one of deceit. It’s a word that tricks our mind into thinking we are making a good decision but in reality, we are holding ourselves stagnant. This S word is so common to many of us but as we look to grow and develop, it needs to be a word we refuse to use.

Settle – it’s the S word that secretly welcomes us to mediocrity. It’s no surprise we are attracted to this S word. It’s in our human nature to be magnetized to something we’re familiar and comfortable with. Settling is a way to move forward down a path we feel we have more control and understanding.

What’s wrong with a path we have more control and understanding of? Our mind tends to think nothing, but reality is we trade off the opportunity to grow and develop for this path of comfort. The magnet of comfort allows us to settle in where we are now. But settling leaves us stuck in who we are when the world around us continues to change and evolve.

Feeling comfortable is something we all must feel but moving into a mode of all the time needing this feeling of comfort will hinder what our future can be. No, we don’t have to constantly be uncomfortable and no we don’t have to always seek challenges, but there is a balance we should work towards.

a golden balance scale beside a laptop

When we let the S word run and dictate our decisions, balance can’t exist. The weight of comfort overwhelms the scale. But when the S word is pushed to the side, we can embrace uncomfortable moments and challenges that can help us discover our better authentic self.

What’s the right balance for you? There’s not one set balance of the scale but we do have to be willing to drown out the noise of the S word to uncover what that right balance is. Embrace challenges. Embrace uncomfortable. See what’s possible and continue to explore what your authentic balance is.

Take your step: when does the word settle come into your vocabulary? Pick one area of your life – work, health, community, etc. – and analyze where the S word overtakes your decisions. The first part is acknowledging your mind wanting to go towards the comfort. Start with one moment and when you feel like settling, make the decision to face the more difficult path. Take on the challenge even if it’s uncomfortable and start building momentum for welcoming in a balance of comfortable and uncomfortable.

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