The art of not having control

Every endeavor we face will typically have 2 buckets – one bucket of what we can control and one bucket of what’s uncontrollable.

We’ve heard it plenty of times and I’ve mentioned this concept more times than I can count, focus on the controllable bucket, and make the most out of it. I remain a strong believer in investing your energy in that controllable bucket but over time I’ve learned in some instances, the uncontrollable bucket is deserving of time as well.

clear glass with red sand grainer
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So why would we consider dedicating time and energy into the uncontrollable bucket when we lack control of the outcome or result?

When it comes to the uncontrollable bucket reflect on 2 questions:

  1. Can I help influence the situation even though I don’t have control over the decision?
  2. Can I help advocate for something I believe strongly in even though I don’t have control over the decision?

Let’s take an example very common within organizations today – where technology resources get allocated. While a non-tech team doesn’t have the ultimate decision making of where these resources get allocated (uncontrollable bucket), there’s opportunity to influence and advocate. There are finite resources for technology enhancements so how is your idea and position going to create the right return for the organization? Assume that the tech leadership group is open to priority and leverage your influencing and advocating skillset to paint the picture of a better future. Not a future that can be controlled, but one that can influence the organization’s better future.

influence text on red background
Photo by Arturo A on

What about your community and decisions made for the future? While you may not be sitting in a seat with voting power, not having control of the decision doesn’t mean time invested in advocating and influencing can’t be impactful.

There’s only so much time and energy to go around but I’m finding it’s not just as simple as dedicating 100% of my time and energy into the controllable bucket. As we think about our Return on Investment of Time (check out blog on ROIT Your most important metric – Be An Accelerator), analyze how advocating and influencing can bring an impact even without the element of control.

Take your step: in your job or any other scenario you want to consider, look at something you’re passionate about but don’t have the ultimate control of what will be decided. Analyze where this situation falls in your priority list and if it’s high enough, examine if it makes sense to invest time advocating and influencing for your position. Challenge yourself to whether time invested in the uncontrollable is a good use of your energy and if so, leverage and continue to grow your skillset advocating and influencing.