Personal Board of Directors

What first comes to mind when you hear the term, board of directors?

  • Setting direction for a company.
  • Keeping accountability for senior leadership.
  • Focus on long-term success.

When we hear the term board of directors, some of us may picture extremely successful business leaders for big organizations or even local nonprofits we may be involved in our community. This board is intended to represent a diverse group collectively helping provide feedback and direction on how the vision ahead for the organization should be shaped. A sounding board to help steer the company forward for long-term success.

Now shift gears and switch out “organization” with your own name. Start thinking about the idea of a collective group that can help provide perspective and feedback for your long-term success.

Think of who you commonly go to for advice. Whose opinion do you value? Not just people more likely to give you their opinion but the ones you truly value feedback and insight from. Just as an organization seeking a successful future ahead utilizes a board of directors, you will benefit from a trusted group that can provide open and honest feedback.

  • Those that tell you what you may not be ready to hear, but something you need to hear.
  • Those who keep you in check when your head may be getting a little too high in the clouds and humbleness needs to soon come to light.
  • Those you can depend on for perspective that will challenge you to grow.

Your board of directors is out there. They come in all different walks of life. Your spouse, co-worker, trainer, former teacher, pastor, former coach, financial advisor – those that want to invest in you for your better future.

Take your step: while the key to success is within you, understand there are great people surrounding you that are willing to help propel you towards your better self. Take the time to write out who your board of directors is today and continue to explore how to actively seek them out and engage more effectively.