Trap of a Prototype

Who do you picture when you think of a CEO? A computer programmer? Construction worker? Our minds have such an extensive amount to process that human nature kicks in and we try to simplify what’s happening. We take prior situations and attempt to apply them to current situations. Our mind often wants to convert the…

What Character Looks Like

My wife and I recently had friends go through every parents’ nightmare, the loss of a child. Why would such a wonderful 8-year-old be taken from this amazing family so early? I can’t rationalize it. I can’t make sense of it. As we spent time with our friends, I noticed how often they would check…

Your most important metric

One underrated attribute for what makes someone extremely successful is their ability to understand where to invest time and energy for the most return. This return on investment of time (ROIT for all the acronym lovers) evaluates what your mind and body are investing time into and whether this energy was maximized. But what does…

The Battle with Decelerators

Picture yourself at the starting line of a race. Ahead is nothing but space representing your journey towards some aspect of your better self. The “end” could represent a level of fitness you’re striving for, a role at your company you’re trying to reach, the type of relationship you’re seeking to find, and so on.…

Greatest Teacher – Mother’s Day edition

“I believe the choice to become a mother is the choice to become one of the greatest spiritual teachers there is.” —Oprah Winfrey Happy Mother’s Day to all those remarkable mothers out there! The most amazing teachers we have. One part of parenthood my wife and I continue challenging ourselves is navigating the balance of…

9 Keys to Growth

Our journey ahead has no shortage of opportunities. Where we choose to invest our time and energy is a critical component to what that growth trajectory can be. So how do we maximize our valuable time and effort? Check out these top 9 reminders of embracing yourself today while striving for your better tomorrow: 9)…

Writing your life in pencil

One of the most rewarding parts of my life right now with younger kids is having a front row seat to their growth. Whether it’s their love for math, sports, reading, dancing, singing – to see their personality blossom is fascinating to me. But as we all know, with growth comes those frustrating times of…

Picking up Clues of Success

As a kid I was a diehard Chicago Bulls fan. The dynasty during the 90s created some of the greatest Chicago sports memories of all time. Countless hours on our driveway basketball court pretending to hit the game winning shot against the Utah Jazz or imagining I could take off from the free throw line…