Hit the Reset Button

We’re a little over a month into our 2nd grade basketball season and it’s been a blast. With 2nd graders, there’s plenty to learn about the game of basketball but there’s also a nonstop fury of energy when you get 10 boys together. The combination of lots to learn with lots of energy creates some chaotic moments during practice so I find myself using the term “reset” quite often.

This term reset has resonated with me intensely as of late. While it may not be because of lots to learn and lots of energy like these 2nd graders, moments of what feel like chaos can easily show up at our doorstep with uncertainty on how to handle. This chaos, whatever it may look like, finds a way to knock us off the path we know we need to be on for our better tomorrow. The chaos stick comes crashing down and we find ourselves off balance. We need a reset.

So, what does it mean to reset? In the literal sense it means to set again but I think the way we set ourselves again is unique to each of us and each situation. At times the chaos stick makes little impact and creates a small stumble where the reset idea can be quick. Other times the chaos stick comes slamming down and creates a ripple effect in so many aspects of our lives. It’s hard to set ourselves again after that big disruption, but it’s possible.

close up shot of scrabble tiles on a white surface
Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.com

Here are some ideas to consider when hitting that reset button:

  • Go back to reflecting on the person you’re striving to be. Start with this identity to make sure when that reset button is pushed, you’re going back to the who you’re wanting to become.
  • Use the dance floor vs. balcony analogy: when we’re on the dance floor we can only see what’s in front of us – we only see the problematic situation. When we move ourselves to the balcony, we’re able to see the entire dance floor. This wider view allows us to get perspective well beyond just the problematic situation. Move to the balcony.
  • Find a way to make part of the reset fun. If you’re resetting for getting healthy, focus on a workout that is fun for you or eating a healthy meal that you know you’ll enjoy. If you’re trying to get back on the path of reading, pick a book on a topic you’re curious about.

Admittedly, I need a little jolt of reset mode recently and while it was difficult to look in the mirror and say I needed this, it’s exactly what I needed to call myself out in my journey. No failures with getting to the point of needing to reset, only failure is when we aren’t willing to realize we need to reset.

Comment below and share with the Accelerator community approaches you’ve taken to successfully reset.

Take your step: The chaos stick comes striking down and shakes us up every once in a while. Take a moment to reflect on whether this tremble, regardless of how big, has caused you to fall off your path and kept you there. Be honest with yourself and ask whether a reset is needed. A reset to get set again on the path of who you’re striving to become.