Know Your “WHO”

To understand and appreciate the peaks, we must also go through and feel the pain of the valley.

None of us are exempt from the pain we feel when we encounter a valley in life. Even optimists like me struggle at times to see the benefit of going through a struggle. And while I am a believer in the strength each one of us has to control a big part of how we respond to a valley, I also realize the importance of knowing your “who” in the journey.

The “who” is a special group unique to each of us. Think of who…

Helps fuel your fire.

Is strong enough to give you open and honest feedback.

Will invest time in making those around him/her better.

My “who” are the ones that stand by my side through thick and thin. My “who” doesn’t even have to say a word during a valley, yet I still know they are by my side for anything I need. My “who” goes beyond just the surface level how are you and truly cares about what I need during my valley. My “who” will be there no matter how long that valley is stretched out.

It’s true, we all need to continue to work on our mindset working through a valley, but the mindset work should be complimented by knowing your “who”. No better time than now to tell your “who” thank you. To all my “who” – I appreciate you all ❤️.

Take your step: take time to reflect on your inner circle. Not just who you associate with but truly those in your circle that make up your “who”. Take time to give them thanks.

In honor of one of my foundational pieces of my “who” – thanks for everything Dad.