Game of Addition

Why do we think in terms of a zero-sum game? Someone wins (+1), someone loses (-1).

I think this zero-sum mindset of a +1 means somewhere else there has to be a -1 limits our ability to be an accelerator. The mindset becomes focused on grabbing that +1 when the true accelerator spirit is not only working towards your own +1, but also helping propel those around you to experience their own +1.

I get it – I’m a competitive spirit like many of you. In the football game you’ll watch this weekend there will be a winner and a loser of the game. When I’m playing rock, paper, scissors with one of my kids, there will be a winner or loser. But we must go beyond our typical thinking we’re going to encounter only situations of +1 and -1. It doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game. We can choose the game of addition.

medals tied on a trophy
Photo by RDNE Stock project on

Think about the work environment. As a leader, I recognize and celebrate my team’s individual success stories. What really sets a team member apart, though, is their ability to take individual success stories and turn them into team success stories. Take for example a project that exceeded client expectations. Celebrate it! But don’t just stop with that team member’s +1. The real accelerators take their +1 and bring team members along to help in their journey creating their own +1.

Take time to reflect on the success you’ve recently had. Getting in great shape and exercising healthy eating habits – awesome work on your +1. What if you could take this success in your journey and help propel someone around you to their own +1?

You may have recently been involved in an empowering and uplifting community event that’s helped your journey. Next time, grab someone else and help your +1 in making an impact on the community become someone else’s +1.

silhouette photography of jump shot of two persons
Photo by Jill Wellington on

The compounding impact of taking our +1 to help someone else in their journey of a +1 is endless. It’s a force that can’t be stopped. But when we view situations from a zero-sum game perspective, we focus solely on our own +1. If we choose to expand our perspective to understanding there are many more situations we will encounter that are a game of addition, we can find ways to go beyond our own +1 to also propel others to their own +1.

That’s what we call an ACCELERATOR!

Take your step: take time to reflect on the momentum you have in various aspects of your life. Regardless of how small the momentum is, you’re making progress towards who you’re striving to become and are adding plenty of +1’s each day. During your time reflecting, think about those around you who could benefit from understanding how you’re achieving your +1’s. Challenge yourself to be vulnerable and help take some of your +1’s to helping elevate someone around you in their journey.