Trap of a Prototype

Who do you picture when you think of a CEO? A computer programmer? Construction worker?

Our minds have such an extensive amount to process that human nature kicks in and we try to simplify what’s happening. We take prior situations and attempt to apply them to current situations. Our mind often wants to convert the information we’re processing into something we can easily understand. We create this idea of what we think it should be and make a prototype.

The idea of a prototype takes a past version of something to determine how all later forms are expected to be. It’s why many of us may have similar pictures that come to mind when thinking of a CEO, computer programmer, or construction worker. We have a version of something we’ve come to expect.

There’s danger that comes with this prototype view, both how you perceive others and how you view your own self. Race, sex, history of family education, history of family health habits, and the list continues endlessly on how a historical model of something can impact our view what we think current state should be.

The challenging question to ourselves is, are we letting some prior version of someone else set a prototype we’re trying to fit in? It’s tough when society, our environment, the people we surround ourselves with, etc. set a box we’re supposed to fit in. This prototype though is not representative of our authentic great self. Our authentic self is unique – it doesn’t fit in a box, nor should it be forced to be. Yet, our mind still takes us there.

person sitting on rock on body of water
Photo by Keegan Houser on

If we’re in the moment and looking solely at what’s in front of us, we can become naïve to this trap of a prototype we may have fallen into. Now comes the moment of the power of pause. The power to stop, step away, and analyze if the track you’re on is set by outside forces or determined uniquely.

Pausing creates space to challenge oneself and bring more awareness to the path set forward. The path set forward will always have outside influences providing different routes to take. It’s easy to get off course from the authentic path we should be on. Take the time to pause to make sure that route you’re set on is one of authenticity and not defined by some prototype that is forced upon you.

Make the power of pause a consistent behavior as you work to develop that authentic version of the aspects of life you’re looking to grow.

Take your step: identify one aspect in your life you’re striving for a better version of yourself (relationships, career, health and fitness, etc.). Reflect on the detail of the person you’re striving to become and challenge yourself to test whether you’re following a prototype or creating your own path forward. If you’re not creating your own path forward, challenge your mind to separate itself from the outside influences of fitting in a box to start uncovering your authentic version of who you’re striving to become.