Elevate Others

“The most selfish thing you can do in this world is help someone else, because the gratification, the goodness that comes to you, the good feeling, the good feeling from helping others—nothing is better than that.” – Denzel Washington

Our journey towards our better tomorrow is not meant to be walked alone. The time we invest learning, practicing, failing, winning, getting pushed down to then get back up all produce some of our most valuable assets, our experiences. These experiences are meant to be learned from and to be shared.

What it means to be an accelerator is to be the propulsion to help others get one step closer to their better tomorrow. A quick pep talk after a tough day. Sharing insights with teammates at work. Texting a friend a delicious healthy recipe you just tried. Inviting friends to volunteer in the community. Being an accelerator is about taking something you have and finding a way to share it with the world around you to help elevate others. Every little bit of acceleration means a little closer to a better tomorrow.

In the previous blog we discussed inviting in one more accelerator into your week. Now, you become that accelerator for someone else.

Take your step: find something you have more experience and expertise in and proactively connect with someone curious and hungry for your insight.