2 mindsets – 2 outcomes

“Perspective drives performance.” – Inky Johnson

Growth takes facing the uncomfortable. Growth takes sacrificing the easy for the hard. Growth takes perspective of understanding why this challenge up ahead is worth the time, energy, and in some cases, the pain. All of us have the ability to grow, but with the opportunity comes the choice on whether to let it come out and shine.

When those moments of growth happen and you’re met with challenges and uncomfortableness, mindset plays a critical role to finding the opportunity within each difficulty. One path is a focus of what you’re missing out on. Reading this book may mean “giving up” binge watching a TV show. Waking up early to get a workout in may mean “giving up” more sleep. Having a difficult conversation at work may mean “giving up” the easy road of coasting at work.

The other path flips the mind’s focus from what you’re giving up to what you’re gaining. Reading this book may mean gaining insight on a topic you’re striving for growth on. When waking up early you’re gaining the opportunity to work towards a healthier and happier life. When a difficult conversation at work presents itself, you’re gaining an opportunity to help set clear expectations with a co-worker for a better working relationship in the future.

Easy choice is placing energy and focus in what’s being lost. The more challenging path is investing that time and effort into acknowledging what’s being gained. Same situation – 2 very different outcomes.

Take your step: this week identify when presented with a challenge and take 5 or less minutes to pause. Pause to outline and focus your mind on the list of what you’re gaining and continue to refer to that list when embarking on the challenge.